Patrick Henry Quotes
"The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution: Volume 3". Book by Jonathan Elliot, 1836.
Speech on March 04, 1799. "Patrick Henry: Life, Correspondences and Speeches". Book by William Wirt Henry. Volume 2, p. 609-610, 1891.
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death, delivered 23 March 1775 at Henrico Parrish Church St, Richmond Virginia, Second Virginia Convention
Patrick Henry (2007). “Patrick Henry in his speeches and writings and in the words of his contemporaries”, Warwick House Publishing
Virginia's U.S. Constitution ratification convention, June 5, 1788.
Speech on the Federal Constitution, Virginia Ratifying Convention, on June 09, 1788. "The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution". Book edited by Jonathan Elliot, volume 3, p. 168-169, 1836.
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, Samuel Bryan, Patrick Henry (2017). “Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist: The Great Debate (Complete Articles & Essays in One Volume): Words that Traced the Path of the Nation - Founding Fathers’ Political and Philosophical Debate, Their Opinions and Arguments about the Constitution”, p.83, Madison & Adams Press
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death, delivered 23 March 1775 at Henrico Parrish Church St, Richmond Virginia, Second Virginia Convention
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, Samuel Bryan, Patrick Henry (2017). “The Federalist Papers & Anti-Federalist Papers: Complete Edition of the Pivotal Constitution Debate: Including Articles of Confederation (1777), Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights & Other Amendments – All With Founding Fathers’ Arguments & Decisions about the Constitution”, p.74, Madison & Adams Press
Speech in Virginia Convention, Richmond, Va., 23 Mar. 1775.
Speech at Second Virginia Convention, March 23, 1775