You're gonna have to learn to get out there in front of those cameras and hold your head up. Take charge when you're singing.
Sitting around the house playing the wife and mother is driving me crazy.
I can't miss a night's work and let my public down.
On Saturdays I worked all day in Hunter Gaunt's drugstore in Winchester, and then at night, my mother drove me to Front Royal, where I sang pop tunes.
I got to be constantly reassured that somebody loves me.
Anybody that'll stand up to The Cline is all right.
Mother would come and pick me up at work and take me wherever I could get a job. Mother didn't trust anybody with me. Usually we'd get home at 3 in the morning.
I don't want to get rich - just live good.
I got me a hit record and I ain't never made a cent from it.
I would never have gone anywhere if it hadn't been for Mother's faith and support.
I played with Arthur Godfrey for about a year and a half.
My new house is going to have wall-to-wall awards!
You might say it was my return to the living that launched me as a singer. I was placed in an oxygen tent, and the doctors brought me back to life.
The final words of a domestic bully: If you leave me now furious angels will descend upon you and bring you back to me.
It sure gives me faith and a wonderful feeling to know how many fans and friends are wanting me well again.
I wish to be put away in a western dress I designed, with my daughter's little gold cross necklace and my son's small white testament in my hands, and my wedding band on.
I'd like to do my first record I ever made, A Church, a Courtroom, and Then Goodbye.