Philip Yancey Quotes - Page 9
Philip Yancey (2003). “What's So Amazing about Grace?”, p.83, HarperCollins Christian Publishing
Philip Yancey (2011). “Prayer”, p.23, Hachette UK
You can know the law by heart without knowing the heart of it
Philip Yancey (1997). “What's So Amazing about Grace?”, p.195, Harper Collins
Philip Yancey (2010). “The Jesus I Never Knew Study Guide”, p.71, Harper Collins
The presence of another caring person doubles the amount of pain a person can endure.
Philip Yancey (2013). “The Question that Never Goes Away: What is God up to in a world of such tragedy and pain?”, p.41, Hachette UK
Philip Yancey (2009). “Disappointment with God: Three Questions No One Asks Aloud”, p.199, Harper Collins
Philip Yancey (2014). “Vanishing Grace Study Guide: Whatever Happened to the Good News?”, p.24, Zondervan
Philip Yancey (1995). “The Jesus I Never Knew”, p.76, Harper Collins