Philip Yancey Quotes - Page 6
Philip Yancey (2009). “Disappointment with God: Three Questions No One Asks Aloud”, p.199, Harper Collins
Philip Yancey (2009). “Reaching for the Invisible God Study Guide”, p.28, Zondervan
Grace is free only because the giver himself has borne the cost.
Philip Yancey (1997). “What's So Amazing about Grace?”, p.67, Harper Collins
Philip Yancey (2008). “The Jesus I Never Knew”, p.105, Zondervan
Philip Yancey (2007). “Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? Six Sessions on Our Relationship With God”, p.96, Zondervan
Philip Yancey (1997). “What's So Amazing about Grace?”, p.210, Harper Collins
Philip Yancey (1988). “Disappointment with God: Three Questions No One Asks Aloud”, p.223, Harper Collins
Philip Yancey (2002). “Reaching for the Invisible God: What Can We Expect to Find?”, p.244, Zondervan
We whine about things we have little control over; we lament what we believe ought to be changed.
Philip Yancey (2001). “The Bible Jesus Read”, p.128, Zondervan
Philip Yancey (2009). “Disappointment with God: Three Questions No One Asks Aloud”, p.199, Harper Collins
Philip Yancey (2009). “Reaching for the Invisible God: What Can We Expect to Find?”, p.20, Zondervan
Philip Yancey (2010). “What Good is God?: On the Road with Stories of Grace”, p.287, Hachette UK
Philip Yancey (2009). “Grace Notes”, p.95, Harper Collins
Philip Yancey (2002). “Soul Survivor: How My Faith Survived the Church”, p.56, Image