
Price Pritchett Quotes

If you must doubt something, doubt your limits.

If you must doubt something, doubt your limits.

Pritchett, Price (1990). “You2: a high-velocity formula for multiplying your personal effectiveness in quantum leaps”, Pritchett & Associates

If you're experiencing no anxiety or discomfort, the risk you're taking probably isn't worthy of you. The only risks that aren't a little scary are the ones you've outgrown.

Pritchett, Price (1990). “You2: a high-velocity formula for multiplying your personal effectiveness in quantum leaps”, Pritchett & Associates

Most people confuse wishing and wanting with pursuing. You must place your trust in action.

Pritchett, Price (1990). “You2: a high-velocity formula for multiplying your personal effectiveness in quantum leaps”, Pritchett & Associates

So let your deepest desires direct your aim. Set your sights far above the 'reasonable' target. The power of purpose is profound only if you have a desire that stirs the heart.

Pritchett, Price (1990). “You2: a high-velocity formula for multiplying your personal effectiveness in quantum leaps”, Pritchett & Associates

No sense being pessimistic. Wouldn't work anyway.

Price Pritchett (2006). “Hard Optimism: How to Succeed in a World Where Positive Wins”, McGraw Hill Professional