Ramana Maharshi Quotes - Page 5

Ramana Maharshi, C. G. (FRW) Jung (2004). “The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi”, Shambhala Pubns
"The Teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi in His Own Words". Book edited by Arthur Osborne, 1962.
Ramana Maharshi (2004). “The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi”, p.22, Shambhala Publications
Ramana Maharshi (2004). “The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi”, p.67, Shambhala Publications
You need not aspire for or get any new state. Get rid of your present thoughts, that is all.
Maharshi Ramana, Swami Saraswati Ramananda (1963). “Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi”
Sri Ramana Maharshi (2016). “Words of Grace”, p.26, Sai ePublications
Sri Ramana Maharshi (1991). “Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi”, p.34, Penguin UK
Time is only an idea. There is only the Reality. Whatever you think it is, it looks like that.
Ramana (Maharshi.), Paul Brunton, Mungala Venkataramiah (1984). “Conscious Immortality: Conversations with Ramana Maharshi”
Forgetfulness of your real nature is true death; remembrance of it is rebirth.
"Abide as the Self: The Essential Teachings of Ramana Maharshi". Documentary, January 1, 1998.
Ramana Maharshi, C. G. (FRW) Jung (2004). “The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi”, Shambhala Pubns
Maharshi Ramana, Swami Saraswati Ramananda (1963). “Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi”
"Abide as the Self: The Essential Teachings of Ramana Maharshi". Documentary, January 1, 1998.
"Abide as the Self: The Essential Teachings of Ramana Maharshi". Documentary, January 1, 1998.