This is all very interesting, but Donald Trump won in an electoral landslide that had nothing to do with the Russians.
I know it's - this is this insane analysis. Hillary Clinton lost the election because her ideas were bad. She didn't fit the electorate. She ignored states that she shouldn't have, and Donald Trump was the change agent, OK?
The Russians didn't tell Hillary Clinton to ignore Wisconsin and Michigan, OK?
Merely taking the profits from the hotels and putting those aside is not enough. They need to look at bank loans. They need to look at foreign banks leasing space in the Trump Tower.
Some of the conflict of interest laws do apply to the president, particularly The Emoluments Clause to "The Constitution," which prohibits any type of benefit from a foreign government.
There are a broad range of issues that need to be dealt with. We've got the president's name up on buildings in places where they could be a terrorist attack. This is a very precarious situation.
The Office of Government Ethics has taken the right position on this, one consistent with many Republicans and Democrats. And by the way, OGE and Walt Shaub in particular, were very, very helpful in moving the [George W. Bush] nominees through. This is not a partisan organization at all.
[Walt Shaub] is cleared more than 50 percent of the nominations, Republican nominations that have been provided to him so far, versus 20 percent at this point in the [Barack] Obama transition which I worked on.
If [Donald Trump] doesn't make sure that all the foreign government payments - and this includes banks and other corporations owned by foreign governments and sovereign wealth funds, that all of that money is not out of the Trump organization by Friday [20 Jan.2017], when he takes the oath, he will be in violation of "The Constitution."
You've seen President Trump act decisively when it comes to Syria. It didn't take him long to pull the trigger in regard to a response to the chemical attack. That's a decisive leader and that's who the G20 leaders saw in Hamburg, as someone who is decisive, someone who is not afraid, someone who doesn't kowtow, and stands up for himself when it comes to issues of disagreement like trade and the Paris agreement.
There's an obsession by the media to delegitimize Donald Trump, and we are not going to sit around and let it happen. We're going to fight back tooth and nail every day, and twice on Sunday.
One thing that the American people I think know about President Trump is that he's the boss. And over time, people are going to see that he's the guy that's going to deliver to the American people, putting America first and making the future better for everyone across the country.
Sometimes there are times you actually don't want to be in the information loop on some rumors; because once you're in the loop, then if something leaks, you're one of the people in the loop.
We have done so many things that are noteworthy and an accomplishment one day after the next. The storyline should not be about bogus Russian spy stories. They should be that this president has accomplished more in the first 30 days of this presidency than people can possibly remember in a very long time.
I mean, that was - that was some articles in Breitbart. It wasn`t Steve Bannon. The guy I know is a guy that isn`t any of those things. He is a guy who is pretty smart, very temperate.
Walt Shaub is a true ethics hero for speaking out.
Walt Shaub is a dedicated public servant, has come up through the ranks under both Democrats and Republicans.
Those are things that we're going to be discussing over the next several weeks. But certainly ObamaCare is something that isn't very popular around the country. In fact, it's like an 80/20 issue right now for Republicans. It's not working. People aren't choosing their doctor. They're not keeping their health care. Premiums are not going down, they're going up.
I think Jason Chaffetz was correct to call for an investigation into the Government Ethics Department in the government for the positions that they've taken in this campaign.
[James Comey] term extends for some time yet. There's no plans at the moment in changing that term. And we've enjoyed our relationship with him and find him to be extraordinarily competent.
[Donald Trump] has confidence in Director [James] Comey. We have had a great relationship with him over the last several weeks. He's extremely competent.
As part of that negotiation [with China], as part of fulfilling that promise, all of these issues are on the table. But at the same time, Rex Tillerson is correct, there's no predetermined path here. But it's something that is going to be discussed and decided down the road.
There's a lot going on that is hurting this country. And there's a lot of businesses and a lot of people that put President-elect [Donald] Trump in office because they are counting on him to get our relationships with China straightened out.
I mean, on one hand Rex Tillerson is correct, there are no plans to change the One China policy. But certainly that policy is on the table if China doesn't also come to the table and work with us on trade, work with us on the South China Sea on what's happening there.
I think Iran deal is on life support, I'll put it that way, but I'm not here to declare one way or the other where it will go. But I do believe it's on life support. I know the president-elect does not like the Iran deal, thinks it's really, really bad. And that's sort of the starting point on that discussion.