
Richard Pascale Quotes

People are much more likely to act their way into a new way of thinking, than think their way into a new way of acting.

People are much more likely to act their way into a new way of thinking, than think their way into a new way of acting.

Richard Pascale, Mark Milleman, Linda Gioja (2001). “Surfing the Edge of Chaos: The Laws of Nature and the New Laws of Business”, p.229, Crown Business

Contrary to widespread faith in "communication" and "knowledge transfer," information has a social life, and unless new insights are embedded in the social system they evaporate.

Richard Pascale, Jerry Sternin, Monique Sternin (2013). “The Power of Positive Deviance: How Unlikely Innovators Solve the World's Toughest Problems”, p.120, Harvard Business Press

Discoveries from one community cannot be repackaged and provided to another as a silver bullet, That's a "best practice" rollout and it invariably evokes the immune rejection response.

Richard T. Pascale, Jerry Sternin, Monique Sternin (2010). “The Power of Positive Deviance: How Unlikely Innovators Solve the World's Toughest Problems”, p.112, Harvard Business Press

The real objective isn't just "knowledge" or getting an 80-20 understanding of the situation. The overriding objective is engagement, creating a buzz, mobilizing people to take action.

Richard T. Pascale, Jerry Sternin, Monique Sternin (2010). “The Power of Positive Deviance: How Unlikely Innovators Solve the World's Toughest Problems”, p.162, Harvard Business Press