
Richard Dawkins Quotes about Evolution

We admit that we are like apes, but we seldom realize that we are apes.

Richard Dawkins (2004). “A Devil's Chaplain: Reflections on Hope, Lies, Science, and Love”, p.22, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

There are very interesting controversies within evolution; however, whether evolution occurs is not one of them. It definitely does.

"The Geek's Guide to the Galaxy" with John Joseph Adams and David Barr Kirtley, December 2011.

Evolution has been observed. It's just that it hasn't been observed while it's happening.

"NOW" with Bill Moyer and David Brancaccio, December 3, 2004.

Have they discovered evolution yet?

Richard Dawkins (2016). “The Selfish Gene: 40th Anniversary edition”, p.23, Oxford University Press

Evolution never looks to the future.

"The atheist". Interview with Gordy Slack, April 30, 2005.

Evolution is not a genetically controlled distortion of one adult form into another; it is a genetically controlled alteration in a developmental program.

Richard Dawkins (2009). “The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution”, p.314, Simon and Schuster

Design cannot precede evolution and therefore cannot underlie the universe.

"Thinkers Lay Out the Beliefs They Can't Prove". "Talk of The Nation" with Neal Conan, March 9, 2006.