Arise Quotes
Discontent arises from a knowledge of the possible, as contrasted with the actual.
David A. Reisman, Aneurin Bevan (1996). “In Place of Fear”, Pickering & Chatto Publishers
Abigail Adams, John Adams (1840). “Letters of Mrs. Adams: The Wife of John Adams”, p.5
Eckhart Tolle (2003). “Stillness Speaks”, p.120, New World Library
"Naked Lunch at 50: An Interview with William S. Burroughs (excerpt)". Jaguar Magazine, 1966.
Francis Chan, Mark Beuving (2012). “Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples”, p.39, David C Cook
'An Essay on Criticism' (1711) l. 232
A distribution is just if it arises from another just distribution by legitimate means.
Robert Nozick (1974). “Anarchy, state, and utopia”
Mark Dever (2012). “The Church: The Gospel Made Visible”, p.10, B&H Publishing Group
E. O. Wilson (2014). “Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge”, p.365, Vintage