I've always said it's flattering to be desired, just as it's flattering that people accept the reality of the character you play. But it was always ridiculous to assume that because I could play a gigolo on screen I'd play anything like that role off screen.
I can see the character in a photograph, in the way a guy stands or holds his hands, the way he buckles his belt. I fantasize a lot looking at photographs. I'm sure that doesn't work for many people.
In the process of developing a character, you do, in fact, start to take him on as a personality. It's part of my job.
I've always maintained that all characters and all personalities are in all of us. The whole thing is available. You're not this or that, no one is.
There's really one character for every actor. The voyage is to find that one character.
People are expecting me to be a certain way all the time. It's not like if I come in here with a totally different personality and right before the camera starts they see this new character. It confuses everything. Life has a consensus reality to it and if you use that to your advantage it makes it much easier.