
Richard J. Daley Quotes

Gentlemen, let's get the thing straight once and for all. The policeman isn't there to create disorder. The policeman is there to preserve disorder.

"A Handbook for Psychological Fitness-for-Duty Evaluations in Law Enforcement". Book by Cary D. Rostow and Robert D. Davis, p. 18, 2004.

If a man can't put his arms around his sons and help them, then what's the world coming to?

"The Man Who Made Chicago Work". January 03, 1977.

They have vilified me, they have crucified me - yes, they have even criticized me!

"Chicago Journal; Syntax Is a Loser in Mayoral Race" by William E. Schmidt, February 2, 1989.

I'm not the last of the old bosses. I'm the first of the new leaders.

"American Pharaoh: Mayor Richard J. Daley - His Battle for Chicago and the Nation". Book by Adam Cohen and Elizabeth Taylor, 2001.

A newspaper is the lowest thing there is.

"Personal Quotes/ Biography".

Even the Lord had skeptical members of his party.

"The Last Good Campaign" by Thurston Clarke, June 2008.

Good government is good politics.

"The Mayors: The Chicago Political Tradition". Book by Paul Michael Green, Melvin G. Holli, 1995.