Robert Denning Quotes
"The More the Merrier — Robert Denning's Extravagance of Color and Pattern" by Cynthia Zarin in Architectural Digest v. 59 #4, pp. 146-152, April 2002.
"The More the Merrier — Robert Denning's Extravagance of Color and Pattern" by Cynthia Zarin, Architectural Digest, v. 59 #4, pp. 146-152, April 2002.
House & Garden Magazine, p. 120, July 1991.
A la Rothschild, a style I define as many good things used irreverently.
"Manhattan Grand Luxe — Richly Appointed Rooms For Collectors" by Aileen Mehle in Architectural Digest, v. 51 #9, pp. 126-176, September 1994.
"Denning's Pot-au-Feu – A decorator indulges his passion for cuisine bourgeoise", by Suzanne Hart, House & Garden, March 1992.
"The More the Merrier — Robert Denning's Extravagance of Color and Pattern" by Cynthia Zarin, Architectural Digest, v. 59 #4, pp. 146-152, April 2002.
I'll accept commissions from anyone who isn't frightened by my proposals.
The AD100 Architectural Digest, v. 57 #1, p. 48, January 2000.