
Robert Denning Quotes

Texture and pattern should function as a surprise.

Texture and pattern should function as a surprise.

"The Sweet Smell of Excess" by Patricia Volk, October 8, 2006.

Everything is really about lighting.

"The More the Merrier — Robert Denning's Extravagance of Color and Pattern" by Cynthia Zarin in Architectural Digest v. 59 #4, pp. 146-152, April 2002.

Appearance is everything. I find that a view is secondary. Even in those apartments on the East River, it's dull, looking out at those little boats.

"The More the Merrier — Robert Denning's Extravagance of Color and Pattern" by Cynthia Zarin, Architectural Digest, v. 59 #4, pp. 146-152, April 2002.

Find the ideal in something not ideal.

House & Garden Magazine, p. 120, July 1991.

A la Rothschild, a style I define as many good things used irreverently.

"Manhattan Grand Luxe — Richly Appointed Rooms For Collectors" by Aileen Mehle in Architectural Digest, v. 51 #9, pp. 126-176, September 1994.

Cooking is like decorating - it never bores me.

"Denning's Pot-au-Feu – A decorator indulges his passion for cuisine bourgeoise", by Suzanne Hart, House & Garden, March 1992.

I don't like bare floors.

"The More the Merrier — Robert Denning's Extravagance of Color and Pattern" by Cynthia Zarin, Architectural Digest, v. 59 #4, pp. 146-152, April 2002.

Never put sofas against wall.

"The Sweet Smell of Excess" by Patricia Volk, October 8, 2006.

I'll accept commissions from anyone who isn't frightened by my proposals.

The AD100 Architectural Digest, v. 57 #1, p. 48, January 2000.