Robert Henryson Quotes

Best thing in eird,I say for me, Is merry hart with small possessioun.
c.1470 Moral Fables,'The Two Mice', l.387-8.
c.1470 The Testament of Cresseid, l.561-4.
The man that will nocht quhen he may Sall haif nocht quhen he wald.
c.1460 'Robene and Makeyne', l.91-2.
c.1460 'The Praise of Age', l.5-9.
Robert Henryson (1824). “Robene and Makyne: And The Testament of Cresseid”
c.1470 Moral Fables, prologue, l.21-5.
c.1470 The Testament of Cresseid, stanza 65.