Nothing succeeds like persistence. The common denominator of all successful people is their persistence.
One must, however, not just work hard. One must work smart. As the saying goes, the efficient person gets the job done right; the effective person gets the right job done.
People often confuse "goal" and "purpose." A goal is something tangible; a purpose is a direction. A goal can be achieved; a purpose is fulfilled in each moment. We can set ad achieve many goals; a purpose remains constant for life.
Above all, practice being loyal to your Soul.
When you are in a state of nonacceptance, it's difficult to learn. A clenched fist cannot receive a gift, and a clenched psyche grasped tightly against the reality of what must not be accepted cannot easily receive a lesson.
Love is the only channel for a clear communication.
If you want to be happy in life, keep all of your commitments and don't expect other people to keep any of theirs.
When we know that the cause of something is in ourselves, and that we (ourselves) are one of the few things in the universe that we have the right and ability to change, we begin to get a sense of the choices we really do have, an inkling of the power we have, a feeling of being in charge... of our lives, of our future, of our dreams.
Dig deeply into the spring of love and partake of it. The supply is infinite.
Increasing your self-esteem is easy. Simply do good things and remember that you did them.
Live by what you believe so fully that your life blossoms, or else purge the fear-and-guilt producing beliefs from your life. When people believe one thing and do something else, they are inviting misery. If you give yourself the name, play the game. When you believe something you don't follow with your heart, intellect, and body, it hurts. Don't do that to yourself. Live your belief, or let that belief go. If you are not actively living a belief, it's not really your belief, anyway.
Your imagination is yours. You can remember the past you choose, rehearse the future you want, and identify with the real and fictional heroes and events of your selection.
Above all, look for the loving, which is how all of this works. Without love, no matter what else we have, it will not work. And if we have love, no matter what else we do not have, it will work.
Thanksgiving is every day because in this physical body you can spring into eternal paradise.
The biggest lie in choosing is, "I can't." That is simply not true. We can do anything we want If we don't do something, it is because we have committed our time, energy and resources somewhere else.
Choose your intention carefully and then practice holding your consciousness to it, so it becomes the guiding light in your life.
The spiritual path is easy. It's the only path that is.
Grieving must be done in its own time. To deny the human reality that pain hurts only delays the process.
When you are happy, when you are laughing, when you are loving, the radiance of your Soul shines through, and all are lifted by it.
When you're attuned to Spirit, there is nothing in the outer world that matters.
Where you place your focus, there will be your Heart and that will be the Spiritual Heart.