I'm pro-choice. I'm pro-gay rights.
Quit Iraq Study Group to avoid politicizing it.
I'm not sure if President Obama is an ideologue or a pragmatist. I am hoping and praying he's a pragmatist.
Now we understand much more clearly. why people from all over the world want to come to New York and to America. It's called freedom.
Rick Perry I have a great fondness for. And what Rick Perry has, like Jeb Bush has, it will be interesting to compare their two records as governor, very close, great economic development, low taxes, all the things we want domestically out of a president.
I don't think anyone has campaigned much more than I have for Republican candidates, going back to 1998. I mean, I've been in 45 states on behalf of 200 candidates - all Republicans.
In 2012 President Obama didn't go anywhere near African-American communities. Why? Because unemployment was so high there, he didn't want to address it.
If there's no other alternative, I support civilian trials for terrorists.
There can be people who feel one way about gay rights, another way about gay rights. There can be people who have different views on abortion. But we respect each other. I think we learn from each other. And we understand that ultimately we have the same values.
I am a free market Republican. I am against subsidies, in most cases.
I was Mayor of New York during a great Yankees dynasty. I got to preside over the city during four Yankees championships.
The best way to contain China and make it the peaceful rise of China is for us to have an enormously robust navy that is the greatest navy in the world, that can patrol two oceans, that can fight two or three wars, and China will not challenge us because the Chinese are practical.
I'm looking for a president that'll be like a Ronald Reagan to a Jimmy Carter.
Mexico has many more kidnappings than the United States. The U.S. has very few kidnappings.The reason is, in the United States, we don't pay ransom. We turn it over to the FBI. They catch the person. And then, of course, we used to have the death penalty for it. Now it's life in prison. In Mexico, everybody pays. It's a business.
In choosing a President, we really don't choose a Republican or Democrat, a conservative or liberal. We choose a leader.
I would appoint judges that interpreted the Constitution rather than invented it, understood the difference between being a judge and being a legislator.
Partial-birth abortion, I think that's going to be upheld. I think that ban is going to be upheld. I think it should be. And I think, as long as there's provision for the life of the mother, then that's something that should be done.
While I was the mayor abortions in New York went down and adoptions went way up, because we worked on adoptions as an alternative, so that there'd be a real choice.
You have to be willing - you have strong ideas, you have strong views, but you have to be willing also to look at experience.
It's part of the Constitution. People have the right to bear arms. Then the restrictions of it have to be reasonable and sensible. You can't just remove that right. You've got to regulate, consistent with the Second Amendment.
There's never any guarantee at war.
I do think you have sort of a general philosophical approach that you want from a justice, and I think a strict constructionist would be probably the way I'd describe it.
I believe in a woman's right to choose.
I have no objection to the concept of domestic partnership.
The thoughts I express, whether clearly or ambiguously, are my own and they are my individual responsibility.