Fasting gives you confidence to know that your spirit can master appetite . . . and helps to protect against later uncontrolled cravings and gnawing habits.
When priorities are proper, the power to endure is increased. And when internalized, those priorities will help keep you from "going overboard."
Spirit and body, when joined together, become a living soul of supernal worth.
Because of our sacred regard for each human intellect, we consider the obtaining of an education to be a religious responsibility.
Obedience allows God’s blessings to flow without constraint. He will bless His obedient children with freedom from bondage and misery. And He will bless them with more light.
The development of faith in the Lord is an individual matter. Repentance is also an individual matter. Only as an individual can one be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. Each of us is born individually; likewise, each of us is "born again" individually. Salvation is an individual matter.
Regardless of gender, marital status, or age, individuals can choose to link themselves directly to the Savior, hold fast to the rod of His truth, and lead by the light of that truth. By so doing, they become examples of righteousness to whom others will want to cling.
Physical conditioning from regular exercise is important. And we can do so much more to keep our bodies strong.
As we go through life, even through very rough waters, a father's instinctive impulse to cling tightly to his wife or to his children may not be the best way to accomplish his objective. Instead, if he will lovingly cling to the Savior and the iron rod of the gospel, his family will want to cling to him and to the Savior.
When we ponder His voluntary atonement, any sense of sacrifice on our part becomes completely overshadowed by a profound sense of gratitude for the privilege of serving Him.
Marriage is sanctified when it is cherished and honored in holiness. That union is not merely between husband and wife; it embraces a partnership with God.
Sadly, many individuals don't know where to find God, and exclude him from their lives. When spiritual needs arise, they may look to the left, the right, or round about. But looking to other people on the same level cannot satisfy spiritual shortages. When the immortal spirit is starved, hunger persists for something more filling. Even when material success comes, there is a hollow ache - if living well falls short of living worthily. Inner peace cannot be found in affluence accompanied by spiritual privation.
How much better it would be if all could be more aware of God's providence and love and express that gratitude to him. Ammon taught, 'Let us give thanks to (God), for he doth work righteousness forever.' Our degree of gratitude is a measure of our love for him.
You can experience true delight on the Sabbath from family history work...Finding family members...can bring immense joy.
An unprecedented wave of enthusiasm for missionary work is sweeping the entire earth. It is not man-made! It comes from the Lord, who said, “I will hasten my work in its time” (D&C 88:73).
Every religious group, while perhaps a majority somewhere, is also inevitably a minority somewhere else. Thus, religious organizations should and do show tolerance toward members of other religious denominations.
The second of our Lord's two great commandments carries a double charge: 'Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself' (Matt. 22:39). Therefore, love of companion is governed, in part, by esteem of self.
In the pursuit of education, individual desire is more influential than institution, and personal faith more forceful than faculty.
From the holy scriptures, heaven-sent lift will be found for heaven-sent duties.
If the restoration did anything it shattered the age-old myth that God has stopped talking to his children.
Contemplation of life after retirement and life after death can help you deal with contemporary challenges.
Your life will be a blessed and balanced experience if you first honor your identity and priority.
I honor women who are not mothers. They know that motherhood is but one of the realms of womankind. The virtue and intelligence of women are uniquely applicable to other realms as well, such as compassionate service and teaching.
Truth is truth! It is not divisible, and any part of it cannot be set aside.
Focusing on the Lord and everlasting life can help us not only at Christmas, but through all the challenges of mortality.