If the Senate is the world's greatest deliberative body, the House is poised to be the world's greatest tweeting one.
To ignore the religious nature of the terrorist threat is to succumb to politically correct delusion.
Other presidents behind the scenes mutter epithets about the media. Donald Trump calls us the lowest form of human life to our face. Other presidents tried their best to go around the media that they don't think are expressing their views. President Trump just is - is just very, very vocal about that and much more - spends much more time being vocal about that.
You can lose your weight, but you can't lose your personality. And people's personalities don't change.
I think there is a core of Trump supporters who, as he said during the campaign, he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue. They are not rattled by anything they have seen. They're sticking with him, so they're happy to sort of see him back out there being Trump.
There are a bunch of people who are never going to be for Trump. Most Democrats, polls show, will never be for Trump.
A primary campaign can get very intense and times nasty. But it`s never going to be quite as vicious as between-parties rivalry.