
Shane Smith Quotes

I came to America from Canada because Canada is stultifyingly boring and incredibly hypocritical.

"Vice's Shane Smith on What's Wrong With Canada, Facebook and Occupy Wall Street" by Jeff Bercovici, January 3, 2012.

The greatest propaganda coup of the American right has been to convince its citizens that we are in the grip of a liberal conspiracy.

"Shane Smith: 'I want to build the next CNN with Vice - it's within my grasp'". Interview with Tim Adams, March 23, 2013.

American media has just become talk radio, incredibly partisan name-calling and op-eds.

"Shane Smith: 'I want to build the next CNN with Vice - it's within my grasp'". Interview with Tim Adams, March 23, 2013.

People think because 'Vice' is irreverent and because we're crazy, we're stunt journalists. You know what? I don't actually care.

"Vice's New Envelope-Pushing Docu-Series Premieres on HBO Tonight" by Allison P.Davis, April 5, 2013.