
Sonia Sotomayor Quotes about Judging

Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences...our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging.

Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences...our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging.

"A Latina Judge’s Voice". Sonia Sotomayor’s Speech at the Berkeley La Raza Law Journal’s Symposium, October 26, 2001.

The task of a judge is not to make the law - it is to apply the law.

Sonia Sotomayor's Opening Statement on the first day of her Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings to be an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, July 13, 2009.

Personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see.

"A Latina Judge's Voice" by Sonia Sotomayor, 2001.

I do think there is a value in the services of judges for long periods of time.

Senate Committee On The Judiciary Holds A Hearing On The Nomination Of Judge Sonia Sotomayor To Be An Associate Justice Of The U.S. Supreme Court, July 14, 2009.

All judges have cases that touch our passions deeply, but we all struggle constantly with remaining impartial.

"The International Judge: An Introduction to the Men and Women Who Decide the World’s Cases". Book by Daniel Terris and Cesare P.R. Romano, November 30, 2007.