
Squeak Carnwath Quotes

Painting comes to reality through illusion. An illusion that allows us to make a leap of faith; to believe. To believe in a blue that can be the wing of a bug or a thought. It makes our invisible visible.

Squeak Carnwath, John Berggruen Gallery (San Francisco, Calif.) (1994). “Squeak Carnwath, recent paintings: September 8-October 8, 1994, John Berggruen Gallery”

It is not the job of art to mirror. Images reflected in a mirror appear to us in reverse. An artist's responsibility is to reveal consciousness; to produce a human document.

Squeak Carnwath, John Berggruen Gallery (San Francisco, Calif.) (1994). “Squeak Carnwath, recent paintings: September 8-October 8, 1994, John Berggruen Gallery”

The visible is how we orient ourselves. It remains our principal source of information about the world. Painting reminds us of what is absent. What we don't see anymore.

Squeak Carnwath, John Berggruen Gallery (San Francisco, Calif.) (1994). “Squeak Carnwath, recent paintings: September 8-October 8, 1994, John Berggruen Gallery”

Painting is an investigation of being.

Squeak Carnwath, John Berggruen Gallery (San Francisco, Calif.) (1994). “Squeak Carnwath, recent paintings: September 8-October 8, 1994, John Berggruen Gallery”

Painting, like water, takes any form. Paint is a film of pigment on a plane. It is not real in the way that gravity-bound sculpture is real. It is, however, real.

Squeak Carnwath, John Berggruen Gallery (San Francisco, Calif.) (1994). “Squeak Carnwath, recent paintings: September 8-October 8, 1994, John Berggruen Gallery”