Shift your attention from words to silence and you will hear.
In peace and silence, the skin of the 'I' dissolves and the inner and the outer become one.
When I look beyond the mind, I see the witness. Beyond the witness, there is infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.
No particular thought can be mind's natural state, only silence. Not the idea of silence, but silence itself. When the mind is in its natural state, it reverts to silence spontaneously after every experience, or, rather, every experience happens against the background of silence.
To go beyond the mind, you must be silent and quiet. Peace and silence, silence and peace - this is the way beyond. Stop asking questions.
The silence before the words were spoken, is it different from the silence that came after?
Whatever you may have to do, watch your mind. Also you must have moments of complete inner peace and quiet, when your mind is absolutely still. If you miss it, you miss the entire thing. If you do not, the silence of the mind will dissolve and absorb all else.
The unchangeable can only be realised in silence. Once realised, it will deeply affect the changeable, itself remaining unaffected.
I simply followed (my teacher's) instruction which was to focus the mind on pure being 'I am', and stay in it. I used to sit for hours together, with nothing but the 'I am' in my mind and soon peace and joy and a deep all-embracing love became my normal state. In it all disappeared -- myself, my Guru, the life I lived, the world around me. Only peace remained and unfathomable silence.