Bill Clinton was punished for his behavior.
[Hillary Clinton chose to make her marriage work. That is just outrageous.]It speaks of the sexism and the misogyny in this election [2016].
I thought we would be concerned if he knew how to stay on message, if [Donald] Trump knew how to make the most of an argument against Secretary [Hillary] Clinton, by using some of the things that have been put on the news.
[Donald] Trump's own arrogance gets in the way. It's as if he steps on his own tongue regularly.
There are a number of things that came out of Donald Trump so-called policy speech at Gettysburg that most of the reporters were saying were real positive things.
Then you got Newt Gingrich up here who - didn't he leave his wife while she was dying to marry the next wife? Give me a break, Newt.
Between Newt Gingrich, [Rudi] Giuliani and Chris Christie, they've got like the trifecta of misogyny.
In all honesty my cake was baking when I met Al - I had made up in my mind already to get physically healthy. He refreshingly was on his own journey so it was almost as if we walked together.
I guess the President says the majority of the people didn't elect him, he doesn't have to listen to 'em anyway.
Not really in all honesty because until you take control of your own health and go to your own doctor and have your own doctor tell you what's going to work for you.
We fight a lot, you know, but that's family. We may be dysfunctional, but we're still family.
And I tried it and I felt, I guess I must have been pulled in by the red light of television and now I've been on TV since 1992.
I'm fairly in tune with what's private with my husband and with me.
I was in the middle of a crossroads, which is a nice way of saying crisis, physically, emotionally and spiritually. You know the physical part. We just talked about it.
One day I actually took the list into the bathroom and I put it up against my face and looked in the mirror and I realized I had one of two choices, change the list or change myself.
Yes, I know and then in the same time period within those nine years I lost 150 pounds.
I think for a couple of years I was believing that I was doing it all on my own and I wasn't.