Un homme qui lit, ou qui pense, ou qui calcule, appartient a' l'espe' ce et non au sexe; dans ses meilleurs moments, il e chappe me" me a' l'humain. A person who reads or thinks or calculates, belongs to a kind and not to a gender; in his or her best moments, he or she escapes being human.
Les trois quarts de nos exercices intellectuels ne sont plus que broderies sur le vide. Three quarters of our intellectual performances are no more than decorations over a void.
Entre le ro" le de sauveur et celui de complice du bourreau,j'aper c° ois tout au plus l'incommode emploi de victime. Between the role of saviour and that of butcher's accomplice, all I see left for you is the unsavoury role of victim.
Que le Dieu qui nous tue nous vienne en aide! God who kills us, come to our rescue!
Out of the debris of a statue thoroughly shattered a new art work is born: a naked foot unforgettably resting on a stone; a candid hand; a bent knee which contains all the speed of the foot race; a torso which has no face to prevent us from loving it.