
Stevie Wonder Quotes - Page 2

First of all, I'm no better than the next person.

"Biography/ Personal Quotes".

Love's in need of love today...don't delay...send yours in right away

Song: Love's In Need Of Love Today, Album: Natural Wonder, 1976

We can't live in a place of fear.


I'm too high, but I ain't left the ground.

Song: Too High, Album: Innervisions, 1973

The Lord that I serve says the impossible is unacceptable.

"Stevie Wonder talks new tour, inspiration and Obama". Interview, July 1, 2008.

Of all the needs that we have right now, more than anything we need a time for love.

"Stevie Wonder returns with love in his heart". Associated Press Interveiw, October 12, 2005.

Did you know that true love asks for nothing?

Song: As, Album: Songs in the Key of Life