
Susan Sontag Quotes - Page 10

Images are more real than anyone could have supposed.

Images are more real than anyone could have supposed.

Susan Sontag (2011). “On Photography”, p.156, Macmillan

Sight is a promiscuous sense. The avid gaze always wants more.

Susan Sontag (1992). “The Volcano Lover”

The highest vocation of photography is to explain man to man.

Susan Sontag (2011). “On Photography”, p.99, Macmillan

I must remain always, both in principle + actively, interested in everything. Taking all of knowledge as my province.

Susan Sontag (2012). “As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh: Journals and Notebooks, 1964-1980”, p.251, Macmillan

Each generation has to reinvent spirituality.

Susan Sontag (2012). “As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh: Journals and Notebooks, 1964-1980”, p.81, Macmillan

Photographs trade simultaneously on the prestige of art and the magic of the real.

Susan Sontag (2011). “On Photography”, p.63, Macmillan