My mother and I never got along, not even when I was a child.
I actually have more shoes than anyone will ever know.
A magazine feature can reach hundreds of thousands of potential customers for a fashion brand. The way to reach a billion? Dress the actresses competing for attention at a highly televised event.
I don't believe in delivering four times a year and then also delivering things that are not season appropriate.
I always said I was determined to own a truly global brand. I didn't buy Jimmy Choo just to have a couple of shoe shops in London, did I?
I have a personal motto that I live by, which is feel the fear and do it anyway. If you fail, you get up and you keep trying again.
If I wasn't in fashion, I would have been a psychiatrist.
I don't believe in doing collections anymore.
I have Vie Luxe candles in every room. In 2006 I spent the month of August in Sardinia, and the scent reminds me of the wonderful time we had.
I just can't see myself as a trophy wife. I can't imagine not having my own life.
I may not have the stereotypical head for business, but I have feet that were made for heels.
Direct to consumer really gives you control of your business completely.
If a woman gets tough in negotiations, she's difficult, whereas a man would be considered a brilliant businessman.
I often get the question from people, "well how can you sell luxury at that price?" What I'm explaining to everyone is I'm still paying the same factory cost as I paid when they were $800. I pay the same as my competitors who are in the luxury space pay, I just don't mark them up as much because I haven't put them in a wholesale channel. I don't have to put that extra margin on them.
The city [ LA] is kind of going through an interesting transition; sort of renaissance time where there is so much going on here. I think it's really exciting to be here.
The next few years is really going to be focused on shoes.
What I hate is leather leggings and an ankle boot. I hate the line.
Everyone in my office wears it all winter, it's our uniform because it's the easiest thing to wear.
I wear Sweet Revenge, the legging boots, a lot particularly in the winter.
I had to put the company through a reorg, raise a new round of financing, and sort of press the restart button. But my feeling was that I wasn't going to be bullied. I wasn't going to let them take me down. I had to pull myself together and move forward.
I went back to the factories that I worked with at Jimmy Choo because they don't work for Jimmy Choo exclusively.
I tried to put direct to consumer through a wholesales channel - the industry was just not ready to adapt and change. The other issue I had was with Jimmy Choo.
Everything we're doing means there is a much bigger audience that we can reach.
[My consumer] is a combination of people who would have shopped with me when I was at Jimmy Choo and then also because of price point, there is a broader audience now that we can reach.
What we're doing is giving her new exciting fashion things every month.