To me, my style is comfortable.
Gold looks good on my skin, and gold looks good on black people, I think.
I dont have a license, but I do drive.
I own over ninety-five different hats and, over the years, have lost or given away 120 hats. You gain to lose you lose to gain.
Shopping at any level is a bit of therapy for my medulla oblongata.
I like Jeremy Scott, and he has some really dope sneakers.
I focus a lot on my voice because I want it to be an instrument as well. I want my voice to add color.
I listen to a lot of really old western and country music. Theres a lot of cool stuff in there all the heartbreak of the country darkness.
I like connecting with people through technology.
I like to keep a uniform - wear a blazer, try to keep the same colour pants; very tailored, very fitted but still edgy.
I love to see the rarest movies, the most talked-about movies and documentaries. I read all the reviews and compare them to see if its worth going! I have a secret movie critic blog I have shown no one or promoted, and I intend to keep it that way.
A lot of my friends inspire my style, and they dont even know it.
A lot of my favorite artists are fashion icons.
Do not fear the digital world, it will not kill us all.
The Internet is a very powerful tool; unfortunately its starting to get a little saturated.
I am international. When I put out my second mixtape, we did four tours and a tour overseas.
I keep a creative group around me.
I find it soothing, the thought of a movie theater.
Im gonna walk super, super slow to when I turn 40 or something. To me, walking and floating slow represents how wealthy you are!
I always imagined how cool it would be to be the face of a Gap campaign!
Im a big fan of pop music - I think Marvin Gaye was pop music; things like that.
I always tell myself, When Im working on my record, I wont cut my hair. I get so focused on the music that Im not really going to the hair shop and getting cut up. I just have one thing to focus on.
I collect a lot of clothes when I travel around the world.
I admire traveling; I appreciate it a lot.
I love N.Y.C.! I cant think of any individual that hates New York.