When youre a new person and a new idea, you get invited to all these different things, and everybody wants a piece of you. And you want to be polite and say yes to everything, but it gets dangerous.
Im a big fan of Caribbean food, Spanish food, Dominican food - like rice and beans. Hot sauce just adds a different layer of boom to the food, you feel me?
What I sell is the higher knowledge of knowing whats next and not following the trend of whats now.
Thirty-five percent of all my dates were at the movies from 2013 to 2014.
You gotta learn your body, how clothes fit on you.
The Gap has always been an iconic, go-to brand that reminds me of my childhood.
The second album is the hardest to write. Its nothing like the first album.
Image plays a huge part in my music and in my lifestyle.
The most time I spent home in 2009 was about a month.
When youre a kid, youre only exposed to whats going on in your mind. The mind is like a bigger-than-outer-space type of thing.
New York feels vibrant It feels electric to walk the streets at night.
When I was younger, I wasnt thinking about fit. Clothes are measured just for me now. I know thats not what the average person does, but Ive gotten smart about what fits my body the right way and what makes me feel comfortable.
Karl Lagerfeld is the hardest-working man in showbiz!
Your voice is like a very serious instrument that you have to tame if you want to be an amazing singer - Marvin Gaye or Michael Jackson.
I went to Brazil in 2010 and pretty much did songs about that trip. I was there just to hang out, chill with the people, and feel the vibe. It was great - tons of great women, great skin, good beaches. Cant complain; the food is great.
I believe your atmosphere and your surroundings create a mind state for you.
I think its more interesting to play a place where no one really knows you, but I think touring is also great.
I remember in the fifth grade my dad would take me to Manhattan to shop for clothes.
My mind moves very fast. I go through a lot of moods and emotions.
While my cousins were gang-banging, I was trying to learn what the Internet was about.
Dressing up, for me, is looking like an idiot.
As snap-backs became more popular, I started to search and expand my hat game.
Go to American Apparel; they have all of the colors of socks.
I admire natural, untouched beauty.
Brooklyn for twenty years, Ive learned that there is always someone better than you at what you do.