Thomas Jefferson Quotes - Page 5

By oft repeating an untruth, men come to believe it themselves.
Thomas Jefferson (1854). “The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Correspondence”, p.97
Thomas Jefferson, Henry Augustine Washington (1854). “The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Correspondence, cont”, p.543
Thomas Jefferson, Joyce Appleby, Terence Ball (1999). “Jefferson: Political Writings”, p.53, Cambridge University Press
Thomas Jefferson (2010). “The Works of Thomas Jefferson: Correspondence and Papers, 1816-1826”, p.201, Cosimo, Inc.
Thomas Jefferson (2010). “The Works of Thomas Jefferson: Correspondence 1786-1787”, p.263, Cosimo, Inc.
I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.
Notes on the State of Virginia, query 18 (1781 - 1785)
Thomas Jefferson, Henry Augustine Washington (1854). “The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Correspondence, cont”, p.3
Thomas Jefferson, Brett F. Woods (2009). “Thomas Jefferson: Thoughts on War and Revolution”, p.257, Algora Publishing
Thomas Jefferson, Henry Augustine Washington (1854). “The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Correspondence, cont”, p.185
Thomas Jefferson (1829). “Memoirs, Correspondence, and Private Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Late President of the United States”, p.132
An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens.
Thomas Jefferson (1829). “Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies: From the Papers of Thomas Jefferson”, p.185
Thomas Jefferson, H. A. Washington (2011). “The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Being His Autobiography, Correspondence, Reports, Messages, Addresses, and Other Writings, Official and Private”, p.32, Cambridge University Press
Thomas Jefferson (1829). “Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies: From the Papers of Thomas Jefferson”, p.349
Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.
Thomas Jefferson (1939). “Democracy”
The constitutional freedom of religion is the most inalienable and sacred of all human rights
Thomas Jefferson (1984). “Jefferson: Writings”, p.593, Library of America