But once in a while you might see me at In and Out Burger; they make the best fast food hamburgers around.
I wanted to write about what we were doing at the French Laundry, the recipes and the stories.
When I go out to eat, it's usually something moderate in style.
Historically in restaurants, the service staff is awarded significantly higher wages than cooks and other staff who prepare the food on which a restaurant's reputation is based. The gap in pay is so great that it is becoming increasingly difficult for young cooks to pursue their passion at the rate of pay restaurants are able to afford.
I don't think you could have a 7 with a manual. But I can't see having a BMW sports sedan without a manual.
I wonder if I love the communal act of eating so much because throughout my childhood, with four older brothers and a mom who worked in the restaurant business, I spent a lot of time fending for myself, eating alone - and recognizing how eating together made all the difference.
My childhood wasn't full of wonderful culinary memories.
My favorite wines are Zinfandels.
A kaiseki meal is like that, very small courses over a long period of time.