Thorstein Veblen Quotes

Conspicuous consumption of valuable goods is a means of reputability to the gentleman of leisure.
The Theory of the Leisure Class ch. 4 (1899) See Rae 1
Thorstein Veblen (1993). “A Veblen Treasury: From Leisure Class to War, Peace, and Capitalism”, p.65, M.E. Sharpe
The possession of wealth confers honor; it is an invidious distinction.
Thorstein Veblen (1993). “A Veblen Treasury: From Leisure Class to War, Peace, and Capitalism”, p.18, M.E. Sharpe
Thorstein Veblen (2016). “THORSTEIN VEBLEN Ultimate Collection: 8 Books & 50+ Business Essays and Articles in Warfare and Economics: The Theory of the Leisure Class, The Theory of Business Enterprise, The Higher Learning In America, Panem et Circenses, The Vested Interests and the Common Man, The Use of Loan Credit in Business…”, p.132, e-artnow
Beauty is commonly a gratification of our sense of costliness masquerading under the name of beauty.
Thorstein Veblen (2016). “BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Premium Collection: 25+ Titles in One Volume: The Theory of Business Enterprise, The Higher Learning in America, The Vested Interests and the Common Man, On the Nature of Capital…: The Theory of the Leisure Class, The Beginning of Ownership, The Preconceptions of Economic Science, The Industrial System and the Captains of Industry, The Socialist Economics of Karl Marx…”, p.84, e-artnow
Thorstein Veblen (2012). “The Theory of the Leisure Class”, p.27, Courier Corporation
The Theory of the Leisure Class ch. 5 (1899)
Thorstein Veblen (2016). “BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Premium Collection: 25+ Titles in One Volume: The Theory of Business Enterprise, The Higher Learning in America, The Vested Interests and the Common Man, On the Nature of Capital…: The Theory of the Leisure Class, The Beginning of Ownership, The Preconceptions of Economic Science, The Industrial System and the Captains of Industry, The Socialist Economics of Karl Marx…”, p.162, e-artnow
Thorstein Veblen (1994). “Absentee Ownership: Business Enterprise in Recent Times : the Case of America”, p.63, Transaction Publishers
Thorstein Veblen (1993). “A Veblen Treasury: From Leisure Class to War, Peace, and Capitalism”, p.26, M.E. Sharpe
Thorstein Veblen (2016). “THE THEORY OF THE LEISURE CLASS: An Economic Study of American Institutions and a Social Critique of Conspicuous Consumption: Development of Institutions That Shape Society and Influence the Livelihood of Citizens: Based on Sociological & Economical Theories of Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Adam Smith and Herbert Spencer”, p.7, e-artnow
Thorstein Veblen (2016). “THE THEORY OF THE LEISURE CLASS: An Economic Study of American Institutions and a Social Critique of Conspicuous Consumption: Development of Institutions That Shape Society and Influence the Livelihood of Citizens: Based on Sociological & Economical Theories of Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Adam Smith and Herbert Spencer”, p.48, e-artnow
Thorstein Veblen (1994). “Absentee Ownership: Business Enterprise in Recent Times : the Case of America”, p.38, Transaction Publishers
Thorstein Veblen (2012). “The Theory of the Leisure Class”, p.64, Courier Corporation
Thorstein Veblen (2016). “THE THEORY OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (Nature, Causes, Utility & Drift of Business Enterprise): A Political Economy Book”, p.177, e-artnow
Thorstein Veblen (2012). “The Theory of the Leisure Class”, p.77, Courier Corporation
Thorstein Veblen (1993). “A Veblen Treasury: From Leisure Class to War, Peace, and Capitalism”, p.71, M.E. Sharpe
The dog commends himself to our favor by affording play to our propensity for mastery
Thorstein Veblen (1993). “A Veblen Treasury: From Leisure Class to War, Peace, and Capitalism”, p.77, M.E. Sharpe
Thorstein Veblen (2016). “The Complete Works of Thorstein Veblen: Economics Books, Business Essays & Political Articles: The Theory of the Leisure Class, The Theory of Business Enterprise, The Higher Learning In America, The Use of Loan Credit in Business…”, p.2442, e-artnow
Thorstein Veblen (2012). “The Theory of the Leisure Class”, p.168, Courier Corporation
Thorstein Veblen (2016). “BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Premium Collection: 25+ Titles in One Volume: The Theory of Business Enterprise, The Higher Learning in America, The Vested Interests and the Common Man, On the Nature of Capital…: The Theory of the Leisure Class, The Beginning of Ownership, The Preconceptions of Economic Science, The Industrial System and the Captains of Industry, The Socialist Economics of Karl Marx…”, p.268, e-artnow
All business sagacity reduces itself in the last analysis to judicious use of sabotage.
Thorstein Veblen (2016). “THORSTEIN VEBLEN Ultimate Collection: 8 Books & 50+ Business Essays and Articles in Warfare and Economics: The Theory of the Leisure Class, The Theory of Business Enterprise, The Higher Learning In America, Panem et Circenses, The Vested Interests and the Common Man, The Use of Loan Credit in Business…”, p.1089, e-artnow
Thorstein Veblen (2012). “The Theory of the Leisure Class”, p.27, Courier Corporation