
Tommy Tenney Quotes

Your problems aren't too big -- perhaps your worship is too small.

Tommy Tenney (2001). “Experiencing His Presence: Devotions for God Catchers”, p.71, Thomas Nelson Inc

With relationship comes access, and with intimacy comes influence.

Tommy Tenney (2004). “Finding Favor With the King: Preparing For Your Moment in His Presence”, p.53, Baker Books

Whatever impresses you attracts you. Whatever you pursue becomes your purpose.

Tommy Tenney (2004). “Finding Favor With the King: Preparing For Your Moment in His Presence”, p.24, Baker Books

If you want the fire of God, you must become the fuel of God.

Tommy Tenney (2005). “God Chasers”, p.65, Destiny Image Publishers

God doesn't hide Himself from you so that He can't be found; He hides Himself from you so that He can be found.

Tommy Tenney (2002). “The God Catchers: Experiencing the Manifest Presence of God”, p.15, Thomas Nelson Inc