
Intimacy Quotes

Royalty is my identity. Servanthood is my assignment. Intimacy with God is my life source.

Bill Johnson (2010). “Dreaming with God: Co-Laboring with God for Cultural Transformation”, p.85,

All fruitfulness flows from intimacy.

Rolland Baker, Heidi Baker (2003). “Always Enough: God's Miraculous Provision among the Poorest Children on Earth”, p.181, Baker Books

A life of intimacy with God is characterized by joy.

Oswald Chambers (2013). “Joy and Peace: A Holy Condition”, p.51, Discovery House

Once the joy of intimacy with God has been experienced, life becomes unbearable without it.

J. Oswald Sanders (2015). “Enjoying Intimacy with God”, p.64, Discovery House

With relationship comes access, and with intimacy comes influence.

Tommy Tenney (2004). “Finding Favor With the King: Preparing For Your Moment in His Presence”, p.53, Baker Books

Intimacy is a difficult art.

Virginia Woolf (2013). “The Common Reader”, p.331, Lulu Press, Inc

We even refuse to be our true self with God- and then wonder why we lack intimacy with him.

Brennan Manning (2014). “Abba's Child: The Cry of the Heart for Intimate Belonging”, p.25, Tyndale House

The language of faith is crucial because it affords human beings the privilege of intimacy with the ultimate.

Michael Eric Dyson (1996). “Between God and Gangsta Rap: Bearing Witness to Black Culture”, Oxford University Press, USA

Our daily existence requires both closeness and distance, the wholeness of self, the wholeness of intimacy.

Judith Viorst (2010). “Necessary Losses: The Loves Illusions Dependencies and Impossible Ex”, p.66, Simon and Schuster