
Tony Abbott Quotes - Page 2

We can't conclusively say whether man-made carbon dioxide emissions are contributing to climate change.

"Tony Abbott's more controversial speeches disappear" by, December 1, 2013.

I am, as you know, hugely unconvinced by the so-called settled science on climate change.

"Tony Abbott draws 'Battlelines' for the Liberal Party Transcript". Kerry O'Brien, July 27, 2009.

Middle income families with children are Australia’s new poor

Transcript of Tony Abbott Speech To the Young Liberals Annual Conference in Adelaide, 2003.

The climate change argument is absolute crap

"The 7.30 Report" with Kerry O'Brien, February 02, 2010.

People who have put money aside on the basis of a certain set of rules shouldn't have that money raided just because government has got a problem.

"Tony Abbott denies budget figures are 'rubbery' or optimistic". "AM" with Michael Brissenden, May 13, 2015.

We have a strong and credible broadband policy because the man who has devised it, the man who will implement it virtually invented the Internet in this country.

"Tony Abbott's gaffe: credits Malcolm Turnbull for 'inventing the internet'" by Matt Young, June 28, 2013.

The Australian public are very fair and they are always prepared to give the leader of a major political party a fair go.

"Abbott wins Liberal leadership". The World Today with Lyndal Curtis, December 1, 2009.

No country or continent can open its borders to all comers without fundamentally weakening itself and this is the risk that the countries of Europe run through misguided altruism.

"Tony Abbott urges Europe to adopt Coalition's hard-line asylum seeker policies". "AM" with Sabra Lane, October 28, 2015.