I was always a very happy, optimistic person.
Even from the very beginning, I didn't put any money in the stock market.
My first serious girlfriend, when I was 16, was Mormon. I went to her house for 'family home evening,' and I was like, 'Why aren't you people ignoring each other and watching television?'
I got into this little habit of architecture and building. I designed a house in Colorado and one in Hawaii. The idea is supposed to be build and sell - but then I can never bring myself to sell them.
Jerry Bruckheimer creates comedy, he just doesn't realize because he's a turd.
So much of what you see now in Hollywood is written and directed by committee, and you can see it.
When someone goes, 'Oh, this group is really pissed off at what you said,' there's not a piece of my body that goes, 'Sweet!' That means I did it wrong. I'm just trying to make people laugh.
I try not to tune in to politics until it's two or three months before the election. Till then, it's like watching preseason football.
My favorite musical? I don't. It changes all the time. I'm just a diehard, I'm totally old school, like I'll sit and watch, if they are re-doing Oklahoma in New York, I will be the first one there.
I see Santa Claus and Joseph Smith and Luke Skywalker as the same person.
I find Mormons adorable. I love Disneyland and old musicals, and, to me, Mormonism fits right in with all of that.
I spend shockingly little time thinking about real-world stuff.
I grew up with the religion of 'Star Wars,' frankly. That's when I realized there is something bigger out there... and it's called The Force.
My dad was just a big Joseph Campbell nut.
You know, and it really doesn't have a lot to do with the movie. That's the trick to doing a good musical is that, if you take that music number out, there's less to the movie there. You would miss it.
There's a lot of people who, a cigarette is about the only vacation they have.
So we're considering doing a new Christmas album, because there's been Christmas episodes since then, and maybe finally do the version of 'The Most Offensive Song Ever' with lyrics intact.
A scotch buzz is the best buzz in the world.
There is nothing we can't do. So it's just the fact that we're doing topics like that that other people, especially network TV, won't touch, that we're satirists.
I have no desire to ever talk to Sean Penn.
All the religions are super funny to me.
Sometimes what's right isn't as important as what's profitable.
No, writing musicals is the hardest thing in the world. And it was really funny, because I remember when the South Park movie came out, there were some critics that said, 'Well it's obvious that in order to get it to be 90 minutes they filled some time with music.'
It's funny because I think a lot of it is simply... We've never considered ourselves satirists, but because we're on Comedy Central and because we're South Park on Comedy Central, we can do any topic we want.
Sean Penn's really the only one stupid enough to put anything down on paper.