I've always been intrigued with the male characters in novels like 'Pride and Prejudice' such as Mr. Darcy, and this poem is part of a series of poems that explore desire and obsessions. The poems have been sitting in a drawer for a few years, so I decided to dust them off and work on them again since I have not written a new poem in more than three years. I'm not sure anything will become of the series, but at least it gives me something to work on in a period where I feel very uncreative.
I question my own talent and ability to make creative work every single day.
I can't help but go against the grain, I suppose it is in my fabric to be a rule-breaker.
Sometimes I feel like I'm on top of the world, and other mornings I feel like crap.
As I published books, I realized, that's not really what I want. I don't care about the books as much anymore. I just want to write poetry.
My life in general, orderly or not, it allows me more freedom in my own writing. Sometimes I wonder, though - I have friends that sit around and just write all day. And I think it's the coolest thing.
I was sort of obsessed about corporate people committing suicide.
I am always reading, always, and tons of things at once. I wouldn't say I'm a voracious reader, though. I never finish books that fast, because I'm always reading so many things at once.
I think my way of being "funny" is just saying things that people think but have learned not to say, whereas, I haven't learned not to say them.
I've always done things that were good for me, whether they were viewed as being as prestigious or whatever.
My life all-around is really different than a lot of other poets. Not poets that are parents, too, but just that I can hardly find anyone who works in the industries that I've worked in.
There's an attraction to emotional clusters or hypocrisies or awkwardness. A desire to expose something or point at something that's already poking out.
I just didn't want any order in anything. I have to leave an ordered life for them - the kids - and my job. I have to be at my desk at a certain time, and I have to answer e-mails within a certain time period.
I feel like I give myself all day long to other people and other things, and I still seem like I have something to write once in awhile. Not often, though.
For the most part, it's a world of artists that are very in their own heads.
I think my brain is full of collisions and that's how I like to read and process information. I'm always comparing things and I think I do that subconsciously when I'm reading books of poetry.
Everyone always says that having kids is messy and sloppy. It's true, but you as a parent have to try to bring some boundaries and control over that experience, or you'd have out-of-control kids.
I've always felt alone and isolated, and living on the West Coast, there's no poetry community out here, and if there is, it's really spread out - because it's LA, it's spread out.
People who are too uptight make me nervous.
My gut was always that if I taught students poetry, I would give too much of myself to them and have nothing left.
I definitely have favorite books by favorite poets, but poets' books also vary. I could like some books, but not like another book.
There's so much stuff being written! Every year, how many books come out? I can't keep up, and I read a lot. It's amazing.
I love when I meet generous poets, and generous meaning nice people, who give to the poetry community, who do interviews, read other people's books, and talk about them, spread the...love, I guess. That means a lot to me.
I think being a poet, period, is isolating.
Having children can be such a gift, but it can be a crushing experience for a certain kind of mom. And I am that certain kind of mom.