Walter Sickert Quotes
Walter Sickert, Anna Gruetzner Robins (2003). “Walter Sickert: The Complete Writings on Art”, p.253, Oxford University Press on Demand
Wendy Baron, Walter Sickert (2006). “Sickert: Paintings and Drawings”, p.91, Yale University Press
To justify our likes and dislikes, we generally say that the work we dislike is not serious.
Walter Sickert, Anna Gruetzner Robins (2003). “Walter Sickert: The Complete Writings on Art”, p.217, Oxford University Press on Demand
Nothing knits man to man like the frequent passage from hand to hand of cash.
New Age 28 July 1910 "The Language of Art"
Walter Sickert, Anna Gruetzner Robins (2003). “Walter Sickert: The Complete Writings on Art”, p.276, Oxford University Press on Demand