
Ward Cunningham Quotes

What is simplicity? Simplicity is the shortest path to a solution.

"The Simplest Thing that Could Possibly Work: A Conversation with Ward Cunningham, Part V". Interview with Bill Venners, January 19, 2004.

What's the simplest thing that could possibly work?

"The Simplest Thing that Could Possibly Work: A Conversation with Ward Cunningham, Part V". Interview with Bill Venners, January 19, 2004.

There's been an awful lot of discussion about what is or isn't simple, and people have gotten a pretty sophisticated notion of simplicity, but I'm not sure it has helped.

"The Simplest Thing that Could Possibly Work: A Conversation with Ward Cunningham, Part V". Interview with Bill Venners, January 19, 2004.

Global collaboration is something that Wiki mastered in a small way and here we can master it in a big way.

"Ward Cunningham discusses Eclipse, Wiki and Agile Development". Interview with Ward Cunningham at the EclipseCon in Santa Clara, California, March 23, 2006.

Why have a locked wiki when you can instead just post static Web pages?

Bo Leuf, Ward Cunningham (2001). “The Wiki Way: Quick Collaboration on the Web”, Addison-Wesley Professional