
Will Rogers Quotes about Giving

We don't give our criminals much punishment, but we sure give 'em plenty of publicity.

Will Rogers, Bryan B. Sterling (1995). “Will Rogers Speaks: Over 1,000 Timeless Quotations for Public Speakers (writers, Politicians, Comedians, Browsers ...)”, M Evans & Company

I have always said that a conference was held for one reason only, to give everybody a chance to get sore at everybody else. Sometimes it takes two or three conferences to scare up a war, but generally one will do it.

"Mr. Rogers Has An Idea How Conferences End". Daily Telegram #2159 (syndicated column) on July 05, 1933. "Will Rogers' Daily Telegrams: The Roosevelt years, 1933-1935". Book edited by Steven Gragert and James Smallwood, 2008.

So the question rises: How much liberty can you get away with? Well, you get no more liberty than you give!

Will Rogers, Bryan B. Sterling (1995). “Will Rogers Speaks: Over 1,000 Timeless Quotations for Public Speakers (writers, Politicians, Comedians, Browsers ...)”, M Evans & Company

Give her a day, and then in return Momma gives you the other 364.

Will Rogers, Bryan B. Sterling (1995). “Will Rogers Speaks: Over 1,000 Timeless Quotations for Public Speakers (writers, Politicians, Comedians, Browsers ...)”, M Evans & Company