
William Kitchiner Quotes

Drunkenness is deplorably destructive, but her demurer sister Gluttony destroys a hundred to her one.

William Kitchiner, Luigi Cornaro (1847). “Directions for Invigorating and Prolonging Life; Or, The Invalid's Oracle ...”, p.173

Coffee as drunk in England, debilitates the stomach, and produces a slight nausea ... it is usually made from bad Coffee, served out tepid and muddy, and drowned in a deluge of water.

William Kitchiner (1830). “The Cook's Oracle: And Housekeeper's Manual. Containing Receipts for Cookery, and Directions for Carving ... with a Complete System of Cookery for Catholic Families ... Being the Result of Actual Experiments Instituted in the Kitchen of William Kitchiner”, p.340