
William Langland Quotes

For if hevene be on this erthe, and ese to any soule,It is in cloistre or in scole.

'Piers Plowman' B text (ed. A. V. C. Schmidt, 1987) Passus 10, l. 297

Who will bell the cat?

William Langland (1874). “The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman”, p.101

Al the povere peple tho pescoddes fetten; Benes and baken apples thei broghte in hir lappe, Chibolles and chervelles and ripe chiries manye, And profrede Piers this present to plese with Hunger.

c.1378 A description of the sin of Envy. Piers Plowman (B text), 'Passus 6,' l.291-4. (pescoddes = pea-pod, fetten = fetched, chibolles = springonions, chervelles = chervil, plese withHunger = please hunger with)