
William Wegman Quotes

As soon as I got funny, I killed any majestic intentions in my work.

As soon as I got funny, I killed any majestic intentions in my work.

Lisa Lyons, William Wegman, Kim Levin, Walker Art Center (1982). “Wegman's world: 5 December 1982 to 16 January 1983, Walker Art Center”

Man Ray takes a lot of pressure off me. It's like having a third person in a conversation; one of you doesn't have to talk all the time.

Lisa Lyons, William Wegman, Kim Levin, Walker Art Center (1982). “Wegman's world: 5 December 1982 to 16 January 1983, Walker Art Center”

I get so confused about life photography art.

Joan Simon, William Wegman (2006). “William Wegman: Funney/strange”, p.210, Yale University Press

I was working with mud and photographs and thread, eyelashes, carrots and acetone... I was throwing radios off buildings and... remember floating styrofoam commas down the Milwaukee River.

William Wegman, Frédéric Paul, Fonds régional d'art contemporain Limousin (1993). “William Wegman, l'oeuvre photographique”, Frac Limousin