Where are the leaders?' Sapphique asked. 'In the fortresses,' the swan replied. 'And the poets?' 'Lost in dreams of other worlds.' 'And the craftsmen?' 'Forging machines to challenge the darkness.' 'And the Wise, who made the world?' The swan lowered its black neck sadly. 'Dwindled to crones and sorcerers in towers.
Catherine Fisher (2011). “Incarceron”, p.205, Penguin
![Where are the leaders?' Sapphique asked. 'In the fortresses,' the swan replied. 'And the poets?' 'Lost in dreams of other worlds.' 'And the craftsmen?' 'Forging machines to challenge the darkness.' 'And the Wise, who](http://cdn.quoteddaily.com/images/catherine-fisher/where-are-the-leaders-sapphique-asked-in-the-fortresses-the-swan-replied-and-the-poets-lost-in-dreams-of-other.jpg)