Without thinking, [Will] spoke. 'Halt? Are you awake?' 'No.' The ill humor in the one-word reply was unmistakable. 'Oh. Sorry.' 'Shut up.' He pondered whether to apologize again and decided this would go against the instruction to shut up, so remained silent.
![Without thinking, [Will] spoke. 'Halt? Are you awake?' 'No.' The ill humor in the one-word reply was unmistakable. 'Oh. Sorry.' 'Shut up.' He pondered whether to apologize again and decided this would go against the](http://cdn.quoteddaily.com/images/john-flanagan/without-thinking-will-spoke-halt-are-you-awake-no-the-ill-humor-in-the-one-word-reply-was-unmistakable-oh.jpg)