If thou wishest to put an end to love, attend to business (love yields to employment); then thou wilt be safe. [Lat., Qui finem quaeris amoris, (Cedit amor rebus) res age; tutus eris.]
![If thou wishest to put an end to love, attend to business (love yields to employment); then thou wilt be safe. [Lat., Qui finem quaeris amoris, (Cedit amor rebus) res age; tutus eris.]](http://cdn.quoteddaily.com/images/ovid/if-thou-wishest-to-put-an-end-to-love-attend-to-business-love-yields-to-employment-then-thou-wilt-be.jpg)
If thou wishest to put an end to love, attend to business (love yields to employment); then thou wilt be safe. [Lat., Qui finem quaeris amoris, (Cedit amor rebus) res age; tutus eris.]