We can guess that the unacceptable conduct of the soldiers at Abu Ghraib resulted in part from the dangerous state of affairs on the ground in a theater of war.
The Navy has a custom-if a ship runs aground, the captain is relieved regardless of who is responsible. That's how Abu Ghraib should be handled.
What makes Bush different from Hitler? He commits crimes in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib prisons. With all these crimes, they still behave like bullying claimants. They get angry once they see an independant nation.
American journalists and politicians made a perfect spectacle of themselves in discussing the Abu Ghraib prison controversy.
Not even the foulest atrocities of Adolf Hitler ever shocked me so badly as these photographs did.
Abu Ghraib, as bad as it was, can't be compared to what Saddam was doing to people.
When Bush says that Abu Ghraib was the work of a few, he forgot to mention that he was one of them.