We do not have weapons of mass destruction.
If Saddam were to be replaced tomorrow he would probably be replaced with someone who's just as bad or worse than he is.
US worse off than before Saddam because US lost credibility.
We foolishly did not realize Saddam was stupid.
Saddam was a threat, that the threat had to be dealt with.
Who Saddam Hussein kills, dies.
We've gotten rid of (Saddam Hussein), and I suppose that's a good thing.
If there are people who yearn for the days when Saddam Hussein was in power, then I am not among them.
[Even if the U.S. doesn't attack] Saddam Hussein is not going to survive. His regime is on the verge of implosion.
Abu Ghraib, as bad as it was, can't be compared to what Saddam was doing to people.
Saddam Hussein is Hitler like Oasis was The Beatles.