Abuse Quotes - Page 16
On literary criticism, in James Boswell 'The Life of Samuel Johnson' (1791) vol. 1, p. 409 (25 June 1763)
Samuel Johnson, James Boswell (1825). “The Table Talk of Dr. Johnson: Comprising Opinions and Anecdotes of Life and Literature, Men, Manners, and Morals”, p.160
Samuel Johnson (1836). “Johnsoniana; or supplement to Boswell; being Anecdotes and sayings of Dr. Johnson, etc”, p.57
Abuse is often of service. There is nothing so dangerous to an author as silence.
Samuel Johnson (1840). “The Life and Writings of Samuel Johnson...”, p.51
Robert Southey (1831). “Sir Thomas Marc Or Colloquies on the Progress und Prospects of Sceuly, 1”, p.153
Robert J. Sawyer (2009). “Calculating God”, p.175, Macmillan
Richard Whately (1856). “Thoughts and Apophthegms: From the Writings of Archbishop Whateley”, p.71
'The Critic' (1779) act 1, sc. 1
Ralph Cudworth (1820). “The True Intellectual System of the Universe: Wherein All the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism is Confuted, and Its Impossibility Demonstrated”, p.322
You can bend it and twist it... You can misuse and abuse it... But even God cannot change the Truth.
It would be easy to abuse a person when they never recognized it as abuse.
Marissa Meyer (2013). “Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles Book 2)”, p.142, Penguin UK
M.F.K. Fisher (2012). “Love in a Dish . . . and Other Culinary Delights by M.F.K. Fisher”, p.39, Counterpoint Press
The abuse of love, like the abuse of health, brings suffering and death in its train.
Juliette Drouet (2015). “Love-Letters to Victor Hugo: Works Of Hugo”, p.185, 谷月社