Ambition Quotes - Page 51

George Bernard Shaw (2015). “The Collected Works of George Bernard Shaw: Plays, Novels, Articles, Letters and Essays: Pygmalion, Mrs. Warren’s Profession, Candida, Arms and The Man, Man and Superman, Caesar and Cleopatra, Androcles And The Lion, The New York Times Articles on War, Memories of Oscar Wilde and more”, p.2064, e-artnow
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1995). “The Essential Franklin Delano Roosevelt”, Gramercy
Fisher Ames (1809). “Works of Fisher Ames”, p.429
The fuel of ambition is not the problem; it is the focus of ambition that frees or betrays us.
Erwin Raphael McManus (2004). “The Uprising Experience: A Personal Guide for a Revolution of the Soul, Promise Keepers Edition”, p.17, Thomas Nelson Inc
Eric Maisel (1996). “Affirmations for Artists”, Tarcher
Hit that back-stabber where it hurts, right in the ambition.
Eoin Colfer (2001). “Artemis Fowl”
Donald Miller (2009). “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life”, p.124, Thomas Nelson Inc
Donald Grant Mitchell (1851). “Reveries of a Bachelor: Or A Book of the Heart”, p.127